Invest Corporate

Our film production studios wrapped filming five months ago and will be bringing BarbenHeimer to your screens on October 21st.Starring in it are our very own John Ngannou and Philomena. Catch the thriller at Isaka Theatre
We sell cars assembled in the country by local and international engineers. The cars are of a high quality and are very efficient.Visit our stores at Thika today to purchase your own car today! Contact us:0770225453
Our firm is now selling newly built bungalows for a cut price. This is in line with the crisis in the housing sector in the country so our houses will help the situation on the cheap.Contact us at: 0707225453
Our new film production company partners with the best filmmakers in the film industry to bring to your screens the best that cinema has to offer. Visit our website today and see for yourself!
Our firm helps you in many ways to grow and boost your business.Our services are outlined in the poster above and all for reasonable prices.
Our newly opened university provides a gateway for all high school graduates to move on to the next stage in life. The school boasts of having some of the nation’s best teachers with vast experience. Enroll today and see for…
We offer the best dishes in the country prepared by some of the best staff in the country. Our food is of the best quality but even better are the friendly and hardworking members of staff at the hotel.Call:0707225453.Location:Nairobi, Muthaiga.